Ready to live PCOS-Free?

Get this book to achieve Healing from PCOS and Hormonal Imbalance in FOUR SIMPLE steps!

PCOS-Free Life Book
Adedayo Makinde-Adeniyi - Hormonal Harmony Advocate

About the Author

Do you feel like your life is controlled by PCOS and hormonal imbalance? Are you tired of the constant struggles with weight gain, acne, and irregular periods?

Daydah Adeniyi has lived through some twenty odd years, after being diagnosed with PCOS and eventually, hormonal imbalance, feeling the same way.

In this book, she shares the four simple steps that helped her regain her life balance and can work for any woman anywhere in the world.

With this book you'll discover:

Your Identity

as a woman struggling with PCOS and hormonal imbalance, and the importance of acknowledging and understanding your condition.

The struggle

of living with PCOS and hormonal imbalance, how it can impact every aspect of your life and how to deal with it and rise above to fulfil your purpose.

The discovery

of 4 simple and effective steps to help you heal, reduce symptoms, achieve hormonal balance and live in harmony with your body.

The results

of taking action and putting these steps into practice, including increased energy, improved mood, and a more stable, healthy menstrual cycle.

PCOS-Free Life Book

The PCOS-Free Life Book is your roadmap to a life free from PCOS and hormonal imbalance

Say goodbye to the struggle and hello to a brighter, healthier future!

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